Ван Морисон: Гдје се дједоше устаници?

Стање ствари у наставцима доноси избор пјесама с новог албума Вана Морисона Latest Record Project Volume 1

Фото: Снимак екрана

Гдје се дједоше устаници?

Гдје се дједоше устаници?
Сакрили се иза компјутерских екрана
Шта би с духом, шта би с душом?

Што не изађу из нафталина?
Припрема, позор…
Није баш у духу рок-ен-рола…

Гдје се дједоше устаници?
Чекају да неко други почне
Што стоје по страни и гледају?
Као глумци
Ушутјели се

Јесу ли заиста били тако жестоки како су дјеловали?
Или је све било само рекламни штос?
Припрема, позор…
Гдје се дједоше устаници?

Where Have All The Rebels Gone?

Where have all the rebels gone?
Hiding behind computer screens
Where’s the spirit, where’s the soul?
Where have all the rebels gone?

Why don’t they come out of the woodwork now?
One for the money, two for the show
It’s not very rock and roll
Where have all the rebels gone?

Where have all the rebels gone?
Waiting for someone else to make a move
Why are they sitting on the fence?
Well, it’s some kind of pretence
They’re not saying much at all
Where have all the rebels gone?

Were they really all that tough?
Or was it just a PR stunt?
One for the money, two for the show
Where have all the rebels gone?

Where have all the rebels gone?
One for the money, two for the show
It’s not very rock and roll
Where have all the rebels gone?

Were they really all that tough?
Or was it just a PR stunt?
They’re not saying very much, are they?
Where have all the rebels gone?

Where have all the rebels gone?
Hiding behind computer screens
Where’s the spirit, where’s the soul?
Where have all the rebels gone?

Need a real live audience to perform
Where have all the rebels gone?
Where have all the rebels gone?
Where have all the rebels gone?
Where have all the rebels gone?
Where have all the rebels gone?

I can’t find anyone
Where have all the rebels gone?
I can’t find, no not one

Ван Морисон (Sir George Ivan Morrison, 1945) сјеверноирски кантаутор, мултиинструменталиста и продуцент (Фото: Бредли Квин/Ројтерс)

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